2016年10月21日 星期五



As a 9th grader, Brian, who doesn’t do well on exams, is the only child in his family. He’s often quiet at school. Although Brian’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lin, love him very much, they seldom spend time with him at home. That is because they are always busy with their work.
Because Brian is the only child in his family, he often feels lonely. Besides, the pressure of schoolwork is very heavy. His parents strongly ask him to study hard and do well on exams. And he often hangs around with one of his friends,Tom. On the other hand, he is also bullied by him.
His homeroom teacher, Ms. Wang, finds Brian seems to get very upset at school. Brian doesn’t want to tell her why, so she tells Brian’s parents about Brian’s problem and hopes they can spend more time talking to Brian about it. 
What’s wrong with Brian? What can they do for Brian?
Brian 究竟怎麼了?他的媽媽又將如何引導他呢?……


